Bego Riba’s art embodies classic realism, characterised by meticulous attention to detail and the interplay of light and shadow. In her exhibited paintings, she employs an almost monochromatic palette, evoking feelings of distress and anxiety, juxtaposed with the delicate textures of fabrics, plastics and the human form. Figures within her work are shrouded in an oppressive atmosphere, their faces obscured, inviting viewers to project their own emotions onto the canvas.
Originally from Burgos, Spain, Bego Riba holds a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca. Since 2003, she has been based in Palma de Mallorca, where she continues to live and work as an artist
(Photo by Ulla Anderson)
In my most recent works, I delve into the representation of the human figure in a different way. Instead of faces, I focus on the shapes and textures of the clothes that envelop them, creating an intriguing and mysterious atmosphere. Using the oil technique, I immerse myself in the details to bring these scenes to life, seeking to capture the viewer’s attention and provoke questions about the story behind each figure. This new direction in my work adds a fascinating dimension to my artistic exploration, inviting those who see it to immerse themselves in a world of suggestions and reflections.
I analyze the shapes, colors, and textures of everyday objects that go unnoticed in our daily lives, waste, garbage, and create a new connection between them by removing them from their usual context and modifying the scale in which they are represented to give them interest and prominence. I work with techniques that allow me to have greater precision and smoothness in the result such as oil, charcoal, watercolor, and ink, thus creating a contrast between the delicacy of the finish and the roughness of the object. I am interested in the relationship created between elements combined at random and the reaction it provokes in the viewer, producing a suggestive language with countless readings.
1996-2001. BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN FINE ARTS, PAINT SPECIALIST, Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca (Spain).
Bego Riba has been working full time as an artist since 2001. She currently live and work in Palma de Mallorca.(Spain).
En mis obras más recientes, me adentro en la representación de la figura humana de una manera diferente. En lugar de rostros, me centro en las formas y texturas de las ropas que las envuelven, creando una atmósfera intrigante y misteriosa. Utilizando la técnica del óleo, me sumerjo en los detalles para dar vida a estas escenas, buscando capturar la atención del espectador y provocar preguntas sobre la historia detrás de cada figura. Esta nueva dirección en mi trabajo añade una dimensión fascinante a mi exploración artística, invitando a quienes lo ven a sumergirse en un mundo de sugerencias y reflexiones.
Analizo las formas, colores y texturas de objetos cotidianos que nos pasan desapercibidos en el día a día, desechos, basura, y creo entre ellos una nueva conexión retirándolos de su contexto habitual y modificando la escala en la que aparecen representados para aportarles interés y protagonismo. Trabajo con técnicas que me permiten tener mayor precisión y suavidad en el resultado como el óleo, carboncillo, acuarela y tinta china y crear así un contraste entre la delicadeza del acabado y la tosquedad del objeto. Me interesa la relación creada entre elementos combinados al azar y la reacción que provoca en el espectador produciendo un lenguaje sugestivo con infinidad de lecturas.